A word from the CEO

A word from the CEO

Navigating Growth: Challenges and triumphs at iwGROUP As with any business experiencing rapid growth, it can be a challenge to work on the business, rather than in the business.  This is no different with iwGROUP.  We’re developing a number of exciting new...
Technology Tour at The Mets

Technology Tour at The Mets

Cutting Edge Technology at Citi Field Thanks to Wicket Software for granting Scot Gibson and me an exclusive opportunity to visit Citi Field in New York! An unforgettable experience, starting with a behind-the-scenes tour of the stadium’s cutting-edge technology...
How well do you know your network? Part 1

How well do you know your network? Part 1

Navigating the Core of Modern Connectivity ​Whether we know it or not, we all use networks – it’s impossible these days to avoid them. Whether it’s a local, wide area or cellular network, we rely on them to access information, contact friends and family and carry out...